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Essential oil use chart

Essential oil use chart


Do not use for massage.

Cinnamon stimulating, euphoric, tonic, digestive excellent absolutely not a little bit in combination
Lemon antiseptic, stimulating, regulating excellent absolutely not excellent
Clove analgesic, antiseptic, dynamizing excellent absolutely not absolutely not
Mandarin brings peace good absolutely not excellent
Savory anti-infectious, antifungal, antibacterial,
antiviral, anti-asthenic
excellent absolutely not absolutely not

Do not use for diffusion.

Cistus anti-hemorrhagic, cicatrizing, antiwrinkle average excellent absolutely not
Helichrysum anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant excellent excellent absolutely not
Marjoram gastric stimulant, appetite-regulating, immuno-stimulant for ear, nose and throat disorders excellent good absolutely not
Niaouli anti-infectious, antibacterial, antiviral, expectorant, anti-spasmodic good excellent absolutely not

Do not use internally.

Gaultheria (wintergreen) anti-inflammatory absolutely not excellent absolutely not
Ylang ylang tonic, regenerating absolutely not excellent average
Vetiver immuno-stimulant, relaxing, antiseptic absolutely not excellent average

Multiple use.

Dill stimulating, anti-spasmodic, tonic to the mind excellent average average
Basil liver decongestant, stomach cramps, sedative, calming for the nervous system excellent average average
Ceylon citronella anti-inflammatory, insecticide average excellent excellent
Cypress decongestant, vasoconstrictor, cicatrizing, anti-tussive, mucolytic, anti-spasmodic, neurotonic, balancing effect on the nervous system, menopause excellent average average
Eucalyptus globulus expectorant, decongestant, mucolytic average excellent average
Eucalyptus radiata decongestant, expectorant, anti-infectious average excellent excellent
Geranium cicatrizing, astringent average excellent good
Bay laurel anti-spasmodic, expectorant, neurotonic, brain-stimulating, skin anti-infectious, anti-putrid excellent good average
True lavender calming, brings peace, sedative, anti-inflammatory, cicatrizing average excellent good
Lavandin tonic, anti-inflammatory, anti-infectious, anti-mycotic,
releases tension
average excellent average
Lemongrass anti-inflammatory, weight loss average excellent good
Peppermint antiemetic, analgesic, stimulating, neurotonic excellent good good
Myrtle expectorant, anti-tussive, anti-catarrh good excellent good
Bitter orange blossom ( neroli ) tonic, stress-relieving average excellent good
Bitter orange spasmolytic, anti-infectious, cell regeneration, circulation excellent excellent average
Ravintsara anti-infectious, antiviral, neurotonic, stimulating, balancing, releases tension good excellent good
Rosemary mucolytic, expectorant, circulatory and muscular tonic good excellent excellent
Sandalwood (white Indian) antiseptic, cicatrizing, anti-inflammatory, relaxing, aphrodisiac good good average
Siberian fir respiratory decongestant, anti-spasmodic, antiseptic, purifies the air average average excellent
Thyme anti-infectious, immuno-stimulant, anti-tussive, fortifying, neurotonic,
psychic stimulant
excellent good average

You should use caution when using essential oils, because they are extremely powerful even though they are of natural origin.
Many essential oils are falsified, so you should pay attention to their origin and production method, because a lot of them are mixed with chemical compounds. Due to the way we use them, essential oils have penetrating properties on our body, and consequently, they can be healing and efficient, and dangerous at the same time.

* Ingestion: either 1 drop or 2 drops on a neutral tablet or in a teaspoon filled with honey (use caution, consult a naturopath if you are unfamiliar with essential oils.)

* Diffusion: never diffuse more than 15 minutes at a time.

* In a bath: don’t pour an essential oil directly into the water (insoluble in water, risk of unpleasant or dangerous skin contact): dilute it beforehand in a small amount of oil (sweet almond for example) or another miscible liquid.

* Massage: a few drops mixed with a carrier oil (sesame, coconut, mustard, hazelnut, macadamia nut...).

Bibliography: (Collection aromathérapie-Les huiles essentielles-MDB Editions)

Please click here for links to websites on essential oils

Translated by Stéphanie BOSCO

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