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Meditation and thoughts

The goal of meditation is to draw aside the suffering, the existential distress which exists in the human being.

Meditation is a way of knowledge and transformation. The means which it uses aim to control the body and the mind.

But the art of the mind is to add additional problems to the problems already quite real which are sufficed for themselves.
To avoid this addition of mind, we must learn the art of attention.
To be attentive with its thoughts, its words and its acts, makes it possible to go up with the root of the errors. We thus create less trouble with ourselves as with the others.

For that attention should be studied; such as a muscle, it should be trained.

The thoughts form a part of meditation and they are numerous.

To be an attentive witness, consists in seeing its thoughts without playing their game.

The huge obstacles for the beginners

When a beginner tries to concentrate on the breath, he realizes that some of thoughts are real obstacles which move him away from his support of concentration.
Meditation consists in recognizing the thoughts and the states of mind they produce. It makes possible to acquire the necessary retreat to do a real progress in the practice.
To be an attentive witness, it is to observe the thoughts, their particular energies without letting oneself be led by them and without rejecting them.
Learning to observe them objectively and how to be detached, here is the art of attention.

The thoughts are an integral part of meditation.
We have thoughts turned towards the past, others towards the future. These thoughts can be thoughts of desire, rejection, doubt, anxiety, loneliness, fear, agitation, etc. They are the justifications of our old conditionings.

The thoughts make huge obstacles with meditation.

The thought of desire

The feeling of desire is always related to a feeling of lack, of incompletion. It is linked to the sounds, the forms, the tastes, the pleasant feelings and when we get them, we would like them to be always there.

The feeling of desire plays a very important role and dominates a great part of the human life. We are never happy and we always want more than what we have.

A lot of thoughts solidify in phantasms or dreams in order to find the object of desire.
The problem is not so much the object of desire, but the lack inside ourself.
We think that interior peace can come only by an external contribution.

However, sages will tell you that peace can settle in you only if this lack is dissipated, only if there is absence of desire.

In meditation, this desire can appear at many levels..

« Ah! I’ll be glad it’s all over to hear the final Om, and go back at home to eat. Maybe one of them will telephone to me!!»

more subtle..

« Ah! if I could have a beautiful meditation and make the experiment of Nirvana »

Become aware of these mechanisms in your meditations, because they are the occasion for your mind to flee the present moment.

Observe, observe, and detach yourself.

The demonstrations of today are the fruit of your thoughts, your last experiments and the way in which you were conditioned.

The thought of rejection, aversion.

It is the opposite of desire. In the life very often we are in relation to extremely unpleasant situations and in front of this nuisance, our mind adds a feeling of rejection, dislike, aversion.
As this thought of aversion has a very powerful energy, it is misused. But it also is very much used, because it gives a great feeling of identity..

Anger, hatred, opposition acts make damage the body and the mind, but also damage towards those on which we have these feelings.

Irritation, jealousy, are a part of this type of thoughts. These thoughts have energies which leave sometimes indelible traces and which we repeat during a long time afterwards.

There still, it is the occasion for our mental to flee the present moment.

In meditation, this feeling of rejection will be materialized in the conflict relations which you just maintain with others as with yourself.

« Ah! the car in the street! Why does my neighbor of meditation scrape his throat?"
You can in the same way have a rejection with the pain of your knees or of your back that you feel during your practice.

More subtle; ;
« Ah! my god, all the people have closed -eyes and seem to be calm, and me I am unable... »

Observe your mechanisms! They translate your incapacity to surrender in the present moment.

Your justifications are so deeply encrusted in you that you meditate with tightened fists, contracted jaws, rigidity of the neck. Become aware of the rigidity of your mind. They form a part of more than fifty percent in your physical practice.

Observe, detach yourself, be attentive, and finally surrender. Your mind refuses with the relief of itself!
But what do you thus hold? The earth continues to turn, without you or with you!

The total abandonment in the present moment is the only therapeutic solution for your entire being.

Your mind is dominated by the thoughts, gave you to him the practice.

To your opinion, which two energies which are absolutely weak in you?

Attention and Surrender.
« Dharana et Vairagya »

Hari om

ysabel gomez "impresssion1"

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