• 4 Allée d’Alsace 40530 Labenne Océan
  • +262 692369208 Jaya
  • +262 692559297 Maheswari
  • centrejayayoga@gmail.com


Wishes of Jaya 2010

It is with the rite of time that I should TELL you,
coming again, carrying words of joy,
when our fears cement the rejection.
It is good to grant to the power of language
its repairing balm, its intrinsic magic.
It is with the rite of GOOD it should be singing,
when our emotions become negative
indicating thereby the dissatisfaction
that the Universe feels when it watching us.
What do we really weave in our long evenings?
Are we so present that our personal “news”
has the taste of the digital « cable » thoughts,
and confirm, passive, at each table one,
the membership of the humanely conformist kingdom?
Which brocart your spirit draws in your heart,
of which radiation you ooze each day.
Do you fill space between you and one
with the finest of your minds?
Which secret hope fills your intimate fears?
Do you suffer in your flesh from the illness of our earth,
which slowly groans owing to our “phagocytage!”
Do you dare each daybreak to face Surya (1)
and call upon of him a “serumic” force
for the good of what is precious to our destiny.
It is a skillfull knowledge to emit towards the subtle one,
and still to hear its answer more!
What a lot of shade in your eyes in spite of sparks!
And what a lot of attempts at a “monadic” love…
May the future heaven to come and its temporal pillars,
provides each of us what he is entitled.
May your inspirations "galaxy-ized"
and deployed on the borders of Life
your more beautiful messages.
Vidya (2) will help you, Prana (3) will make the remainder,
Agni (4) will straddle your more beautiful Shaktis (5),
sleeping at the bottom of your cells.
Stop forever the spread of your sibylline actions
when it is a question of being and to give you.
Me, Jaya, I invite you, to come to gray you,
with the thin perfumes of your etherizations,
and to give birth to the beauty in the hollow of your silences!
May this time to come be a permanent dance hall,
it would be good for you to listen to the yogis…
because the yogis dance…
All my wishes

« neologism »
*1 ref : Surya, Name of the Sun
*2 ref : Vidya, the Spiritual knowledge
*3 ref : Prana, the vital energy force acquired by the pranayama (technique of breathing)
*4 ref : Agni, the Fire element in the five elements (pancha maha bhutas)
*5 ref : Shakti, the primordial energy which underlies the manifested matter.

ps : Maheswari joint with me

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