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Cakra चक्र lev 1 : the 5 Prāṇa प्राण

Cakra चक्र : the 5 Prāṇa प्राण lev 1

 Prâna means "vital energy". This Sanskrit word can have a general or specific meaning depending on context. So, Prâna can designate the primordial, vital energy, the energy of the breath, but it can also be related to the 5 prânas (or 5 vatas in Ayurveda).

These energies of the energetic body have an effect on certain functions of the physical body and provide help in the Ayurvedic diagnosis. In yoga, they take on their dimension in the science of prânayama, of hatha yoga bandhas and provide support for meditative practices.
Determined by their location in the physical body, they have attributes such as their direction, movement, function, light.

 Their description

  • apāna prāṇa अपान प्राण
    Pelvic region, downward movement. Governs the functions of locomotion, elimination, reproduction, and sexual activity.
  • vyāna prāṇa व्यान प्राण
    Governs all that circulates in the body, fluids, nerve impulse, venous network...
    Pervades the whole body, located at the sexual organs for practical reasons.
  • śamana prāṇa शमन प्राण
    Governs the digestive fire, gestation, health force, pranic reservoir.
    Located at the navel.
  • prāṇa prāṇa
    Governs the respiratory movement of expansion and contraction, assimilation and elimination of the breath.
    Location: rib cage.
  • udāna prāṇa उदान प्राण
    Governs speech, deglutition, subtle passage between the chest and the head.
    Located at the laryngeal plexus.

  • Their assignment

    • Mūlādhāra मूलाधार apāna
    • Svādhiṣṭhāna स्वाधिष्ठान vyāna
    • Maṇipura मणिपुर śamana
    • Anāhata अनाहत prāṇa
    • Viśuddha विशुद्ध udāna
    • Ajña अज्ञ The 5 united PRANA
    • Sahasrāra सहस्रार Beyond, no prâna as this chakra is beyond incarnation

Summary Tatva Tanmatra Prāṇa

5 Tattva
 ākāśa आकाश l’éther, pour l’unité et l’espace,
 vāyu lवायु l’air, pour le mouvement,
 agni अग्नि le feu, pour l’énergie,
 jala जल l’eau, pour l’attraction,
 pṛthivīI पृथिवी la terre, pour la nature solide.

Mūlādhāra pṛthivīI पृथिवी Gandha गन्ध apāna
Svādhiṣṭhāna jala जल Rasa रस vyāna
Maṇipura agni अग्नि Rūpa रूप śamana
Anahata vāyu lवायु Sparśa स्पर्श prāṇa
Viśuddha ākāśa आकाश Śabda शब्द udāna
Ajña Manas Manas 5 Prāṇa प्
Sahasrāra beyond beyond beyond

Jaya Yogācārya

translated by Stéphanie BOSCO

© Centre Jaya de Yoga Vedanta La Réunion

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